Artikel unter dem Stichwort: Gimbal

The Simplest Reasonable Camera Gimbal Model and Control Law

Considering that the STorM32 gimbal controller project is now many years old, this is something I really should have written … Weiterlesen

Brushless Gimbal Motors

Camera gimbals have become widely and cheaply available since Alexmos has shown nearly a decade ago that the cheap brushless … Weiterlesen

STorM32 MAVLink Gimbal Protocol: Intro and Overview

The old MAVLink gimbal protocol, which is based on the DO_MOUNT_CONFIGURE and DO_MOUNT_CONTROL commands, has plenty of issues (see here) … Weiterlesen

Camera Gimbals: A Robotics Approach

When I started with the STorM32 gimbal controller project 5 years ago, I had some experience with controllers from my … Weiterlesen

Field Oriented Control: To FOC or not to FOC

Brushless motors have become a commodity also to hobbyists, and with that modern motor drive technologies crept into their field … Weiterlesen

Mini / Micro Gimbal Motors

For GoPro gimbals, or gimbals with cameras in the 70 g range, a huge number of suitable brushless gimbal motors … Weiterlesen

Fast Computation of Functions on Microcontrollers

I recently decided to convert my AHRS algorithm in the STorM32 gimbal controller firmware from floating-point to fixed-point arithmetic. It … Weiterlesen

Mikro Brushless Gimbal V3.0: Das kleinste 3-Achs 32-bit Gimbal

Nachdem die Einzelteile und Komponenten nun seit einem halben Jahr auf der Werkbank rumlagen, habe ich endlich mein Mikro Brushless … Weiterlesen

STorM32 BGC: 3-Achsen STM32 Brushless Gimbal Controller

STorM32-NT, getting rid of I2C errors, and other cool advantages … see here 🙂 T-STorM32, encoders for the STorM32 … … Weiterlesen

3-Axis Mikro Brushless Gimbal mit o323BGC

wird noch aufgebaut 🙂 In my ongoing work on micro brushless gimbals here my latest advancement: the first fully functional … Weiterlesen

Mini Brushless Gimbal Controller mBGC

Ich stelle hier den Mini-Brushless-Gimbal Kontroller, oder kurz mBGC, vor. Er besteht aus einem Arduino Pro Mini (oder Arduino Nano) … Weiterlesen

Mikro Brushless Gimbal

Ich habe mir ein Mikro-Brushless-Gimbal, d.h. ein Gimbal mit einem brushless Direkt-Antrieb für Kameras der 808 key chain Größe gebaut, … Weiterlesen

Brushless Gimbal Direct Drive: Theory and Experiment

I too got excited about the recent development of the brushless direct drive gimbals, pioneered by AlexMos. So far, all … Weiterlesen