Using a OLED Display

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Revision as of 00:57, 3 October 2017 by OlliW (talk | contribs)
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The information on this page refers to firmware v2.31e and higher.

Since firmware version v2.31e, the STorM32 supports OLED displays. It allows to graphically present various information, such as the battery voltage and charge level, the gimbal status, and the currently selected pan mode.

Unfortunately, the OLED display cannot be directly connected to the STorM32 main board. This is so because otherwise only v3.x boards could have been supported, but not the abundant v1.x boards. Also, the firmware is close to exhaust the RAM on the F103RC micro-controller, and supporting the OLED display directly would have compromised future features. Thus, the STorM32's OLED support involves a bridge module, which is connected in between the STorM32 and the OLED display. On the positive side, this approach potentially allows users to customize the displayed information to their specific needs.

Currently, firmware is provided only for bridge modules which use a STM32 F103T8, F103C8, or F103CB chip. This covers many of the available STM32 development boards, as well as the CC3D atom.

Call for contribution: A 32-bit micro-controller is not required; 8-bit controllers such as the ATmega should also do it. That is, it would be possible to create a OLED bridge module using Arduino compatible hardware, and Arduino for programming. The firmware author has no intent to do that himself, but would strongly support any effoirt in this direction. If, e.g., someone would identify suitable hardware and establish a basic framework Arduino code, which implements an UART at 115200 baud and the OLED drivers (e.g. using the [AdafruitGFX] library), then the firmware author would be happy add the communication code to make it functional.


