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Revision as of 04:10, 11 December 2014 by OlliW (talk | contribs)
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The STorM32-BGC board has two leds, a green led named LED0 and a red led named LED1, which provide info about the controller's current condition. There is also a third led, which is related to the HC06 bluetooth module.

Red Led (LED1)

The red LED1 is so to say a heartbeat, it should blink at a frequency of about 1.7 Hz in normal operation. In case of an error condition, such as low battery voltage or missing IMU, it blinks however much faster (and is acompanied by a fast blinking of the green led).

Green Led (LED0)

The green LED0 tells about the current state of the controller, e.g. at startup it undergoes a sequence of ever faster blink sequences. When the normal state is reached the green led is permanently on.

Yellow Led

This led is directly connected with the HC06 bluetooth module. Hence, it doesn't tell anything about the working of the STorM32-BGC board, its meaning has to be read off from the documentation for the HC06 module (see here).

The permanent blinking of this led may be anyoing, and one might wish to deactivate it (on v1.3 boards scratch through the solder jumper on the bottom, otherwise desolder the respective resistor).
