Using a 2nd IMU

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The STorM32 controller allows the use of a 2nd IMU, in addition to the camera IMU installed on the camera platform, for superior performance. It's usage and advantages are described here.


The basic "rule" for installation is simple:

The second IMU must be mounted on the "gimbal support" above the yaw motor so it is not moved by any of the motors. 

It must not be mounted on one of the gimbal axes or the camera platform.

So you can either mount the controller mainboard on the gimbal support using the onboard IMU as 2nd IMU, or put the mainboard somewhere else (on the yaw axis for example) and mount an external IMU module above the yaw motor. These two options are shown as option (1) and (2) in the diagram below.

The external IMU module has to be connected to the I2C#2 connector found on the bottom side of the STorM32 board. Doing so automatically selects the external IMU module as 2nd IMU. If no IMU module is connected to I2C#2, the onboard mpu6050 IMU is selected. So you don't have to change anything in the GUI, the external IMU is used automatically when connected.

Comment: The onboard mpu6050 IMU is connected to the I2C#2 connector internally and is set to a non default i2c adress. If you connect an external IMU to the I2C#2 connector it can be recognised by its default i2c adress.

Comment: The configuration (3) in the diagram is NOT supported by the STorM32 firmware, as it does provide, by principle, only very limited benefits.


IMU Orientation

For a correct function it is extremly important to set the IMU orientation correctly, i.e., to choose the parameter field [Imu2 Orientaion] in the [Gimbal Configuration] tab.

This is most conveniently achieved by using the [Configure GImbal Tool]. Alternatively, it may be set manualy following the recipe described in Manually Setting the IMU Orientation.


The 2nd IMU support is activated via the parameter "Imu2 Configuration" found in the [Setup] tab. To activate it, set it to

  • "gimbal support": activate 2nd IMU above the yaw motor
  • "gimbal support xy": activate 2nd IMU ybove the yaw motor rotated by 45°.


As with the camera IMU, also the 2nd IMU, be it the onboard IMU or an external IMU module, needs to be calibrated for optional performance.

However, fortunately, for the 2nd IMU it's not critical to get the most accurate calibration, and a good 1-point calibration should be enough for most situations. Exceptions are then motors with high motor pole counts, larger than 14, are used.

The calibration of the 2nd IMU works similar to the camera IMU, one only has to select the 2nd IMU in the respctive fields.